National Innovation Ecosystem (GENIE) project
On march 28, 2016 the Government of Georgia and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) has signed a five year (2016-2021) agreement on granting Georgia $ 40 million in order to implement the innovation ecosystem (GENIE) project.
The project is implemented by the Georgian Innovations and Technologies Agency (GITA), which is a legal entity of public law governed by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
The main goal of the GENIE project is to increase the innovative activities of firms and individuals and their participation in digital economy. To achieve this, there are planned the formation of community centers, to increase the access to the internet for socially unprotected families and small businesses, development of digital and electronic literacy skills or capabilities for entrepreneurs, providing access to finances for high-tech and innovative startups.
National Innovations ecosystem project consists of 4 basic components: